The anatomy of a brand.

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Oct 11, 2024

First things first. Exactly what the f*ck is branding, really?

In this DIY branding workshop, you’ll be diving deep into building your brand step by step. To get the most out of this experience, you’ll need to understand the core elements of branding—what they mean and how they fit together. Consider this your crash course in branding terminology.

Branding isn’t just about having a logo or a catchy slogan—it’s the complete perception of your business in the mind of your audience. It’s what makes you stand out in a crowded marketplace and what creates lasting connections with your customers.

The anatomy of branding breaks down into Brand Strategy and Brand Expression, which work together to form the full picture of what your brand is and how it communicates with the world.

Brand Strategy: The Core of Your Brand

Brand Strategy is about understanding the “why” and “who” behind your brand. It lays the foundation by focusing on two key components:

1. Internal Brand:

  • Purpose: The reason your brand exists beyond making money. It’s the deeper motivation that drives your business and gives it meaning.
  • Vision: Where you see your brand going in the long term. This is your big-picture goal that motivates you and your team.
  • Mission: What your brand does on a day-to-day basis to achieve your vision. It’s the actionable steps you take to bring your purpose to life.
  • Values: The principles and beliefs that guide your brand’s behavior and decisions. These are what you stand for and how you want to be seen by your audience.

2. Positioning:

  • Audience: Who your brand is for. Understanding your ideal customer is crucial to shaping your messaging and offerings.
  • Competitors: Knowing who else is in your space helps you identify gaps and opportunities to differentiate your brand.
  • Difference: What sets you apart from your competitors? This could be a unique product feature, the experience you offer, or a value you emphasize. It’s the reason your audience chooses you over others.

Brand Expression: How Your Brand Shows Up

Once your strategy is in place, it’s time to express your brand in a way that resonates with your audience. Brand Expression is how your brand looks, sounds, and feels, and it’s made up of three essential parts:

1. Character:

  • Personality: If your brand were a person, what kind of person would it be? Friendly, professional, quirky? Your brand’s personality shapes how it interacts with the world.
  • Brand Voice: How your brand speaks. This includes the tone, style, and language you use in all your communication, from emails to social media posts. Your voice should be consistent and align with your brand’s personality.

2. Verbal Expression:

  • Core Message: The central idea you want your audience to understand about your brand. It’s your value proposition, summed up in a way that’s clear and compelling.
  • Storytelling: The stories you tell about your brand to create an emotional connection with your audience. This can include your origin story, customer success stories, or the journey of your brand’s evolution.
  • Name, Tagline, and Promise: Your brand name and tagline are the quickest ways to communicate what your brand is about. The promise is the unspoken agreement between you and your audience—what they can consistently expect from you.

3. Visual Expression:

  • Visual Identity: This includes your logo, color palette, typography, and imagery. It’s the visual side of your brand that people will recognize and remember.
  • Presence: How your brand shows up in the world. This includes your website, packaging, social media profiles, and any other touchpoints where people interact with your brand visually.

Bringing it All Together

The magic of branding happens when your Brand Strategy aligns perfectly with your Brand Expression. When your purpose, values, and positioning are expressed consistently through your personality, voice, and visuals, your brand becomes clear and memorable.

As you work through this DIY branding workshop, remember: branding is a process of discovery, refinement, and expression. The more intentional you are about defining these elements, the stronger and more impactful your brand will be.


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