Toolkit to plan, launch & charge for your online service brand.

Toolkit to plan, launch & charge for your online service brand.

I’ve been building in and around the internet for the past 15 years and have used dozens of online services to plan, design, launch and maintain projects.

There are tons of freemium services for every recommendation I may have.

While I don’t want you to spend your budget all willy-nilly on shiny shit, I do want you to make the decision that you ARE a business, and businesses have investments that need to be made.

While some recommendations are affiliate links, All of them are services I’ve used in the past or still using. The list is ‘definitive’ in the sense that it includes the baseline of what you need to hit the ground running, but it isn’t exhaustive and I will revisit it periodically as better solutions are available.

What’s also different about this list is, not only are they great recommendations, I’ll share with you the approach in which I use them to launch online projects, aka your online service business.

You are my Dante, let me be your Virgil.

Table of Contents
1. Research
2. Design
3. Launch
4. Maintain
5. Collaborate

– google trends
– spyfu
– facebook
– evernote
– coolors
– unsplash
– canva
– envato
– namecheap
– wordpress
– webflow
– squarespace
– Google Analytics
– Hotjar
– Mailchimp
– Bitly
– Twilio
– Calendly
– Trello
– Asana
– Zoom
– Slack
– Stripe
– Paypal
1 Research
– What are you trying to achieve?
– How are you trying to position yourself?
– Who is already doing it?
– How are they doing it?
– What else can be done?

If you don’t already have a gmail account, make one. It has TONS of free services that are already integrated with each other.

Go ahead and make a spreadsheet on Google Drive. Label your co

Now, start with a simple Google search:

[service] [service area, namely yours] / “nutritionists in Baltimore”.

Look at the first three to five search results for your search query. Try to look at search results that are not Paid Ads or from forum sites like Thumbtack or Yelp. We’ll get to those later.

Now that you’ve an idea of what top performing websites in your area look like, you have a starting point of what might be making them successful.

Analyze and study their pages and content.

Pick one of the sites from the results and look it up on SpyFu. Here, you’ll be able to see additional competitors, SEO-rich keywords.

Of course, there is an entire process to selecting your business name, but for this example, we’ll pretend you have a good idea of what you want it to be.

Launch a creative e-commerce brand without funding in one week.

Launch a creative e-commerce brand without funding in one week.

Starting any e-commerce business with no funding can be a challenging task, but not impossible. Here are some steps you can take to launch a profitable e-commerce business in less than 30 days with limited resources:

    What I’ll cover:

    1. Choose a niche
    2. Market research
    3. Set up your online store
    4. Build your testimonials
    5. Create your marketing post plan
    1. Choose a profitable niche: Identify a product or service that you can sell that has a high demand in the market. Look for gaps in the market and determine what you can offer that is different from what is already available.
    2. Conduct market research: Conduct research to validate the demand for your product or service. This will help you understand your target audience and what they are willing to pay for your products or services.
    3. Build your online store: Use an e-commerce platform like Shopify or WooCommerce to create your online store. These platforms have user-friendly interfaces, and you can customize your website without any technical knowledge.
    4. Set up payment and shipping options: Set up payment and shipping options that are easy to use for your customers. You can use services like PayPal, Stripe, or Square to accept payments.
    5. Create a marketing plan: Develop a marketing plan to promote your products or services to your target audience. You can use social media platforms, email marketing, content marketing, and paid advertising to reach your audience.
    6. Launch your e-commerce business: Once your online store is ready and your marketing plan is in place, launch your e-commerce business.
    7. Monitor your results: Keep track of your sales, revenue, and expenses. Analyze your results and adjust your marketing plan and business strategy accordingly.

    Remember that launching an e-commerce business requires time, effort, and commitment. You may not see immediate results, but with persistence and dedication, you can create a profitable e-commerce business.