
For brands seeking to effectively reach their target consumers, marketing efforts require much more strategic thought than blasting the market to see what sticks. While language is an important component, truly connecting with your audience necessitates a deeper understanding of the values, motivations, and cultural nuances that matter most to them.

Branding 101: back to basics.

Branding 101: back to basics.

Oi! Today I’m going to discuss the core of why I even decided to launch this website: branding. I don’t care what industry you’re in, whether you’re B2B or B2C, you’ve heard the word “brand” or “branding” being thrown around like an unwanted red-headed middle...

Yahritza y su Esencia, and a PR lesson brands can learn from.

Yahritza y su Esencia, and a PR lesson brands can learn from.

The Mexican-American pop star Yahritza has faced significant backlash in recent weeks over controversial comments she made about Mexico during a magazine interview. When asked about her heritage, Yahritza stated that she was “proud to be an American” and didn’t “really identify with Mexican culture anymore.”

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