When brands decide to rebrand and why this matters to the Hispanic consumer.

When brands decide to rebrand and why this matters to the Hispanic consumer.

For companies targeting Hispanic consumers, rebranding can be an impactful way to update their relevance, broaden their appeal, and show their commitment to evolving with this important market.

But it needs to be backed up by tangible actions and engagement.

Rebrand like you mean it.

There are a few common reasons why companies may decide to rebrand, especially when targeting the Hispanic market:

  • To modernize their image and appeal to a younger, more diverse demographic. As the Hispanic population in the US grows and evolves, brands may want to project a more contemporary, multicultural look and feel.
  • To unite multiple brands/offerings under one unified brand identity. As companies expand into new products or services aimed at Hispanics, rebranding can bring everything under one coherent brand umbrella.
  • To distance themselves from negative associations or controversy. If a brand has been criticized for stereotyping or lacking cultural awareness, rebranding can help signal a new direction.
  • To reflect a shift in company values or priorities. Branding communicates a company’s mission and values. Rebranding allows refreshing this to resonate with Hispanic consumers.
  • To differentiate in a competitive market. With many brands competing for the growing Hispanic market, rebranding can help a company stand out and create a unique, culturally-relevant position.
  • To communicate expanded offerings or new capabilities. Rebranding to expand beyond original products/services and appeal to Hispanics’ evolving preferences.
  • To enter new geographical markets. When expanding into new regions/countries, rebranding can help adapt and localize a brand for that audience.

As our society continues to grow more ethnically and culturally diverse, brands need to evolve their messaging, visuals, and values to resonate across multiple demographics.

An important first step is auditing your current brand identity and marketing – look critically at the language used, images depicted, and experiences represented. Ensure the diversity of your target audience is genuinely reflected.

From there, brands should involve cultural consultants and community figures to advise on cultivating an inclusive, multicultural brand. Work closely with diverse teams and creators when conceptualizing campaigns. Seek input from diverse focus groups, not just through surveys but in-depth conversations to truly understand modern cultural perspectives and values.

Not all Spanish means the same. We’ve spoken about this at length in other posts. The word “concha” is a delicious pastry in México, but you’ll catch some hands if you say it, especially without context, in other parts of Central/South America and the Caribbean.

When selecting spokespeople, influencers, models and partners, showcase diversity in ethnicity, age, body type, sexuality, ability, and background. Ensure representation goes beyond surface-level casting and has a tangible impact on creative direction. Strive for authenticity, not tokenism.

Engaged Peso Pluma fans speak differently than Bad Bunny fans.

Though there will certainly be overlap, the core fans are fundamentally different.

Messaging must connect across cultures. Avoid generalization and cliches. Lean into specific cultural moments and touch-points that organically resonate vs relying on tropes. Use market research to identify shared modern values and lifestyle aspects that translate across demographics.

The film Roma can easily be enjoyed without dialogue.

Visuals should feature inclusive settings and scenarios. Spotlight multicultural friend groups, neighborhoods, activities, and fashion without stereotyping. User-generated content and employee spotlights allow showcasing authentic diversity.

Commit to proactive, ongoing education on cultural sensitivity for marketing teams. Establish processes for vetting content, language and visuals to safeguard against misappropriation. Be willing to pause and adjust campaign elements that could be damaging. Own up to missteps sincerely.

Ultimately, multicultural brand relevance stems from internal decisions and representation. Ensure staff, leadership and core values reflect the audience you seek to serve. Progress cannot happen without diverse voices influencing every level of the process. Do the ongoing work to evolve.

How the Mexican film Roma used nostalgia to grip its audience.

How the Mexican film Roma used nostalgia to grip its audience.

Nostalgia is a powerful emotion that can evoke positive feelings and memories from our past. Brands often use nostalgia as a selling point because it can create a strong emotional connection between consumers and their products or services.

Nostalgia smiles in the mundane details.

Alfonso Cuarón’s 2018 film Roma is a nostalgic portrayal of 1970s Mexico City as seen through the eyes of an indigenous domestic worker named Cleo. The film effectively utilizes nostalgic elements to connect with audiences on an emotional level.

One way Roma evokes nostalgia is through its loving recreation of 1970s Mexico City. The film is shot in black-and-white which immediately gives it a timeless, nostalgic aesthetic. Iconic locations like the Plaza de las Tres Culturas and the Francesco I. Madero avenue immerse viewers in the city during this era. Everyday street scenes featuring classic cars, telephone booths, and record stores feel plucked straight from the past. The meticulous art direction and production design invite audiences to feel transported back to their own memories or imagined ideas of 1970s Mexico.

The focus on quotidian domestic life also taps into nostalgia. Much of the film simply follows Cleo going about her daily routines – cleaning, running errands, and taking care of the children. These mundane activities trigger nostalgia for the simple pleasures of everyday life. The absence of dramatic plot points causes audiences to find meaning in small moments, like Cleo washing clothes or driving the kids to school. Roma revels in the ordinary in a way that feels nostalgic.

Cleo’s relationship with the children she cares for also utilizes nostalgia. Her close bond with them and their innocent adventures together conjure up idealized memories of childhood. Cleo represents a nurturing, protective parental figure that audience members may nostalgically associate with their own upbringing. Scenes of her playing monster with the kids or singing lullabies touch on almost universal feelings of childhood nostalgia.

By portraying the political and social upheavals of 1970s Mexico City through Cleo’s apolitical perspective, Roma also elicits nostalgia for less complicated times. Cleo experiences events like the Corpus Christi massacre as bewildering disruptions to her routine, not as politically charged incidents. This apolitical point of view makes audiences long nostalgically for the days before they understood the complexities of issues like class struggle and oppression.

The film’s concluding scenes of Cleo in labor and on the beach with the children use strong visual nostalgic signifiers. The hospital scene recalls the 1970s through its medical equipment and Cleo’s floral housecoat. The closing shot of the ocean is an iconic visual image widely associated with nostalgic reminiscence. These strong visuals cue the audience to feel nostalgic themselves.

By using finely observed period details, focus on quotidian routine, emphasis on childhood, apolitical perspectives, and visual nostalgic signifiers, Roma immerses audiences in 1970s Mexico City in a way that powerfully taps into nostalgic emotions. Alfonso Cuarón harnesses viewers’ collective nostalgia as a means of connecting deeply with the story of Cleo and her world. Roma stands as an exemplary work of nostalgic filmmaking done right.

Responding to brands that use nostalgia as a selling point is often rooted in our emotional connections to the past and the positive feelings that those memories evoke.

Tap into the simple pleasures of your audience’s daily life.

When brands use nostalgia as a selling point, they are essentially leveraging the emotional attachment that people have to a particular time, place, or experience. By evoking positive memories of the past, brands can create a sense of familiarity and comfort, which can make their products or services more appealing to consumers.

In addition, nostalgia can be a way for people to reconnect with their past and their personal identity. By consuming products that remind them of happy memories, people can feel a sense of continuity and coherence in their lives. This can be especially important during times of change or uncertainty, when people may be looking for ways to feel grounded and secure.

Overall, nostalgia can be a powerful marketing tool because it taps into people’s emotional connections and creates a sense of familiarity, comfort, and identity. When brands are able to create this kind of emotional connection with their audience, they can create a loyal customer base that is more likely to choose their products or services over those of their competitors.

Dispelling misconceptions about Latina business leaders.

Dispelling misconceptions about Latina business leaders.

Jefas are the latina business leaders your enterprise needs.

Latinas have made significant strides in the business world, breaking barriers and achieving remarkable success in various industries. However, several misconceptions persist regarding their capabilities, aspirations, and potential contributions. Today, we’re going to explore these misconceptions in depth and shed light on how marketing brands can collaborate with Latina business leaders to tap into their unique insights and perspectives.

Table of Contents

  1. Lack of Education: One common misconception is that Latina business leaders have limited education. In reality, many Latinas hold advanced degrees and excel in various fields.
  2. Language Barrier: It’s often assumed that Latina business leaders struggle with English, but many are bilingual or multilingual, which can be a valuable asset in a global business environment.
  3. Limited Career Ambitions: Some may mistakenly believe that Latina women are less ambitious in their careers, but many are highly motivated and determined to succeed.
  4. Cultural Stereotypes: There is a misconception that Latinas primarily pursue careers in traditional roles such as caregiving or hospitality. In reality, Latinas can be found in diverse industries, including tech, finance, and STEM.
  5. Lack of Leadership Skills: Leadership qualities are not determined by ethnicity, and many Latina business leaders possess strong leadership skills and qualities.
  6. Tokenism: Latina business leaders are sometimes seen as tokens in diversity efforts rather than being recognized for their genuine contributions and qualifications.
  7. Limited Network: Contrary to the belief that Latinas have limited professional networks, many have extensive connections that can benefit their careers and businesses.
  8. Financial Dependence: It’s a misconception that Latina business leaders are financially dependent on others. Many have built successful businesses through hard work and dedication.
  9. Homogeneity: Latinas are often wrongly assumed to be a homogenous group, when in fact, they come from diverse countries, backgrounds, and experiences.
  10. Cultural Incompatibility: Some may believe that Latinas cannot adapt to or excel in corporate or business environments due to cultural differences. However, they are often adaptable and thrive in various settings.

1: Lack of Education

One of the most persistent stereotypes about Latina business leaders is the assumption that they have limited educational backgrounds. In reality, many Latinas have pursued higher education and hold degrees in fields ranging from business to science and technology. Collaborating with these educated and skilled individuals can bring diverse perspectives and expertise to marketing campaigns.

Marketing Opportunity: Brands can partner with Latina business leaders to create content that highlights their educational journeys and expertise, showcasing their unique skills and knowledge in their respective industries.

2: Language Barrier

Another common misconception is that Latina business leaders may face language barriers, especially in English-speaking countries. However, many Latinas are bilingual or multilingual, which can be a valuable asset in the global marketplace. Collaborative marketing efforts can leverage this linguistic diversity to reach broader and more diverse audiences.

Marketing Opportunity: Brands can work with Latina leaders to create multilingual marketing materials that resonate with various consumer segments, increasing the brand’s accessibility and appeal.

3: Limited Career Ambitions

Some may mistakenly believe that Latina women are less ambitious in their careers compared to their counterparts. In reality, Latinas are often highly motivated and determined to succeed. Collaborating with ambitious Latina business leaders can infuse marketing campaigns with their drive and passion.

Marketing Opportunity: Brands can feature stories of Latina leaders’ career journeys, emphasizing their determination and commitment to inspire audiences and create a positive brand image.

4: Cultural Stereotypes

Latinas are sometimes pigeonholed into traditional roles such as caregiving or hospitality, perpetuating stereotypes that limit their potential. Collaborative marketing initiatives can challenge these stereotypes and showcase the diversity of industries in which Latina business leaders excel.

Marketing Opportunity: Brands can create content that spotlights Latinas’ achievements in various fields, breaking down stereotypes and positioning themselves as advocates for diversity and inclusion.

5: Lack of Leadership Skills

Leadership qualities are not determined by ethnicity, and many Latina business leaders possess strong leadership skills and qualities. Collaborating with these leaders can bring innovative and effective leadership perspectives to marketing strategies.

Marketing Opportunity: Brands can partner with Latina leaders to co-create content or campaigns that emphasize their leadership qualities and the unique approaches they bring to leadership roles.

6: Tokenism

It’s essential to recognize Latina business leaders for their genuine contributions and qualifications rather than tokenizing them in diversity efforts. Collaborative marketing should focus on showcasing their expertise and talents.

Marketing Opportunity: Brands can engage in long-term partnerships with Latina leaders, consistently highlighting their achievements and contributions within the company to demonstrate their commitment to diversity.

7: Limited Network

Contrary to the belief that Latinas have limited professional networks, many have extensive connections that can benefit marketing campaigns. Collaborative efforts can tap into these networks to expand brand reach.

Marketing Opportunity: Brands can work with Latina leaders to leverage their networks for partnerships, sponsorships, and collaborations that enhance brand visibility and credibility.

8: Financial Dependence

It’s a misconception that Latina business leaders are financially dependent on others. Many have built successful businesses through hard work and dedication. Collaborating with financially independent Latina leaders can strengthen a brand’s image.

Marketing Opportunity: Brands can create content that highlights Latina leaders’ entrepreneurial journeys, emphasizing their financial independence and resilience, which can resonate with consumers.

9: Homogeneity

Latinas are often wrongly assumed to be a homogenous group, when in fact, they come from diverse countries, backgrounds, and experiences. Collaborative marketing efforts can celebrate this diversity and showcase different perspectives.

Marketing Opportunity: Brands can collaborate with Latina leaders from various backgrounds to create content that highlights their unique stories and experiences, emphasizing the rich tapestry of Latina diversity.

10: Cultural Incompatibility

Some may believe that Latinas cannot adapt to or excel in corporate or business environments due to cultural differences. However, they are often adaptable and thrive in various settings. Collaborating with Latina leaders can bring fresh cultural insights to marketing campaigns.

Marketing Opportunity: Brands can partner with Latina leaders to develop culturally sensitive marketing strategies that resonate with diverse audiences, enhancing brand relevance and appeal.

Dispelling misconceptions about Latina business leaders is essential for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the business world.

Collaborative marketing efforts can play a crucial role in challenging stereotypes and celebrating the achievements, skills, and unique perspectives of Latina leaders.

By recognizing and partnering with these leaders, brands can not only break down barriers but also tap into a wealth of talent and cultural insights, creating more effective and inclusive marketing campaigns.

Toolkit to plan, launch & charge for your online service brand.

Toolkit to plan, launch & charge for your online service brand.

I’ve been building in and around the internet for the past 15 years and have used dozens of online services to plan, design, launch and maintain projects.

There are tons of freemium services for every recommendation I may have.

While I don’t want you to spend your budget all willy-nilly on shiny shit, I do want you to make the decision that you ARE a business, and businesses have investments that need to be made.

While some recommendations are affiliate links, All of them are services I’ve used in the past or still using. The list is ‘definitive’ in the sense that it includes the baseline of what you need to hit the ground running, but it isn’t exhaustive and I will revisit it periodically as better solutions are available.

What’s also different about this list is, not only are they great recommendations, I’ll share with you the approach in which I use them to launch online projects, aka your online service business.

You are my Dante, let me be your Virgil.

Table of Contents
1. Research
2. Design
3. Launch
4. Maintain
5. Collaborate

– google trends
– spyfu
– facebook
– evernote
– coolors
– unsplash
– canva
– envato
– namecheap
– wordpress
– webflow
– squarespace
– Google Analytics
– Hotjar
– Mailchimp
– Bitly
– Twilio
– Calendly
– Trello
– Asana
– Zoom
– Slack
– Stripe
– Paypal
Example: https://www.elegantthemes.com/affiliates/idevaffiliate.php?id=54794&tid1=tbamain
1 Research
– What are you trying to achieve?
– How are you trying to position yourself?
– Who is already doing it?
– How are they doing it?
– What else can be done?

If you don’t already have a gmail account, make one. It has TONS of free services that are already integrated with each other.

Go ahead and make a spreadsheet on Google Drive. Label your co

Now, start with a simple Google search:

[service] [service area, namely yours] / “nutritionists in Baltimore”.

Look at the first three to five search results for your search query. Try to look at search results that are not Paid Ads or from forum sites like Thumbtack or Yelp. We’ll get to those later.

Now that you’ve an idea of what top performing websites in your area look like, you have a starting point of what might be making them successful.

Analyze and study their pages and content.

Pick one of the sites from the results and look it up on SpyFu. Here, you’ll be able to see additional competitors, SEO-rich keywords.

Of course, there is an entire process to selecting your business name, but for this example, we’ll pretend you have a good idea of what you want it to be.

How to navigate the nuances of Hispanic & Latino labels.

How to navigate the nuances of Hispanic & Latino labels.

Latino VS Latina VS Latine VS Latinx

The terms Latino, Latine, Latinx, and Hispanic refer to people living in the United States who trace their ancestry to Latin America and Spain. There is an ongoing debate about which of these terms is most appropriate and inclusive. As a marketer, being aware of this nuanced discussion can help avoid cultural insensitivity when reaching these diverse audiences.

Because Spanish is a patriachical language, it is gendered to the masculine suffix being the standard.

Latino refers to a person of Latin American origin or descent; referring specifically to males of Latin American background. The feminine form is Latina.

Latine has recently emerged as a gender-neutral alternative to Latino/Latina. By replacing the masculine “o” ending with an “e,” it aims to include non-binary individuals. Proponents argue Latine is more inclusive than Latino/Latina. Critics counter that its unfamiliarity marginalizes Spanish speakers, specifically the older demographic (older millennials+).

A lesser known grammatical alternative outside of the community is to write Latin@ which allows the reader to interpret the term they wish to associate the context with.


Latinx is another recent gender-neutral form gaining traction. It replaces the gendered ending “o/a” with an “x.”

Supporters applaud its aim to be inclusive of all genders. Detractors contend the “x” feels Anglicized and unpronounceable in Spanish.

Hispanic broadly refers to people descended from Spanish-speaking cultures. It encompasses Spaniards, Latin Americans, and sometimes Brazilians. It emphasizes Spanish influence rather than indigenous roots. Some view it as overly broad or even offensive, while others prefer its pan-ethnic scope.

Usage varies regionally, generationally, and individually. In the Western U.S., Latino remains common. In East Coast cities like New York, Hispanic persists. Latinx has greater popularity among younger generations and English-dominant speakers. Surveys show only 23% of U.S. Latinos have heard of Latinx, and just 3% use it.

There are arguments around colonialism and empowerment. Terms like Hispanic and Latino reference Europe and colonizers over indigenous civilizations. Conversely, the newer terms Latinx and Latine were created within the community to better represent its diversity.

Marketers aiming to resonate authentically should consider their target demographic’s geography, age, language preference, and self-identification. Using inclusive forms like Latinx without context risks alienating Spanish-dominant consumers.

Consult Spanish-language media and influencers for terminology commonly used by the local community. Let members self-identify rather than making assumptions.

Provide language options like Latino/Latina/Latinx on surveys.

Avoid pan-ethnic stereotypes. Not all Hispanic/Latino individuals eat spicy food, dance salsa, etc. Reflect nuanced experiences like varied immigrant generations and countries of origin. Ensure diverse representation in images and casting.

Strike a balance between recognition and overgeneralization. Those who more narrowly identify can feel overlooked by broad terms like Hispanic or Latino. But generically addressing distinct cultures like Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, etc. ignores their shared elements and complexities.

The debate continues evolving around these terms for Latin American/Spanish-origin populations in the U.S. By learning their nuances, marketers can thoughtfully represent and connect with one of America’s fastest growing demographics. The most inclusive approach invites Latinx communities to share how they self-identify and want to be addressed.

And if there is ANYTHING to take away from this insight is to remember that all Latinos are NOT Hispanic, and all Hispanics  are NOT Latino, i.e. Brazilians are Latino because they are Latin Americans, but their native tongue is Portuguese, not Spanish. And Spaniards are Hispanic, but not Latin Americans.

What has your team’s experience been in addressing the Hispanic community?